Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Part II

Let it snow let it snow let it snow!  I cannot believe my title says Halloween and it's hard core snowing outside!  Without further adieu, I give to you, after much anticipation....drumroll please...CINDY'S HALOWEEN COSTUME FOR 2011!!!

It's a PINATA!!!  (Crowd roars!)  To complete this fabulous and Oh So Sexy look, I dropped pieces of candy wherever I walked.  This costume cost about $10, which includes masking tape and 99 cents store packages of party streamers in pink, yellow and white.  About $2.00 went towards the birthday hats on my head which were then decorated with streamers.  That's over 40 yards of masking tape and over 300 feet of streamers people. 
Since I have been so busy with work, I asked my sister Mandy to make the costume for me since I thought about it on Thursday.  It took her about 7 hours to create it.  God bless her.  Mandy literally had to help me into the costume because every time I moved or bent down the tape would stretch or fall off.  Some of the activities I enjoyed during the night as a pinata were:  eating standing up, walking sideways upstairs, dodging people trying to hit me with various stick-like instruments and sweating my brains out.  Ladies, you would appreciate this, you know how your bra straps can occasionally slip off your shoulders and drive you nuts?  Well the whole night I had both straps down, which drove me CRAZY, since I could not squeeze my hand in to fix them.  Ugh.
I got into the costume at my work Halloween party, (which is for children and families) and immediately my Mexican janitor laughed and picked up her broom ready to swing.  The next woman who saw my costume was a well to do, rich white lady who asked me what I was.  Haha! 
My job allows me to decorate my building for special events, which I do with relish because honestly who wouldn't want a change of scenery in their workplace from time to time?  Plus it's an excuse for me to go out shopping!!
As you can see, I like to go a bit overboard....

Here's a picture of the Flintstones...

For my work fiesta we had facepainting, cupcake decorating, a moonbounce for the kiddies, a DJ and Halloween theme arts & crafts.  All the kids went home with a trick or treat bag and a balloon.  Every year I love prepping for this party, because it's so much fun to be a part of.  So after my 9:30pm family party had ended and once all the kids that chased me asking for candy had gone, it was time for me to attend the next Halloween event.

For my costume Mandy made me a tail as well, (because this get-up without a tail would just look RIDICULOUS).  When I finally arrived at my adult costume party last night, at Hillside Swim Club, I was greeted by some overenthusiastic peers.

This next picture is of me and my Ace Ventura.

Next is Wilma, myself and Little Red Riding Hood, (incidentally Little Red has her own kick ass blog called great explanations, you should check it out!).    I wish I had a picture of Riding Hood's counterpart, the Big Bad Wolf dressed up like grandma, but I do not and I am so upset because his costume was AMAZING!

So, that was my Friday night.  I think Halloween is my favorite holiday.  There is nothing more creative and outrageous than this holiday.  Two parties in one night though killed me.  I will leave off with a few pictures from the Staten Island Zoo's Spooktacular event I attended last week with my family....

                                                             HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


  1. very creative costume! btw - you're a great writer

  2. I absolutely loved your costume! So creative! And thank you for the shout out...great explanations wooohoo! -Little Red ;)
