Saturday, November 5, 2011

Good Evening Mr. Senator!

Good afternoon readers!

I wanted to share with you a very special guest appearance I had last night at work.  State Senator Andrew Lanza came to speak to over 60 of my teens in my Friday night program.  Andrew Lanza spoke to the teens about how the federal and state governments’ work, what his job entails and the bill he’s introducing this year which is to make the tolls by the Port Authority bridges cheaper (hallelujah!).  He spoke about the history of our government and how different it is compared to other governments, (i.e. for example the leadership styles of Fidel Castro, North Korea, etc).  Each teen walked away with pamphlets outlining the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. 

Lanza seems like a really genuine guy.  After his speech was over and I was talking to him on the side it turns out that my sister Mandy coaches his daughter's high school soccer team. His face lit up as he told me, "We LOVE your sister!  She has made our daughter enjoy soccer and she's a riot to watch on the sidelines" (Mandy gets pretty animated towards the refs if your wondering ;). 

The Senator was gracious enough to come out, on a Friday night at 8:00pm no less, to speak with a bunch of middle school and high school kids.  That's pretty cool.  I even found out through one of his staff members that he had missed his son's basketball game for this.  Wow.

Here's a picture of the Senator and I...

Many of the teens stayed afterwards to take pictures with Andrew Lanza.  I love offering workshops and presentations for my teens.  If anyone knows of a great presentation or speaker that would be interested in speaking at one of my programs, please let me know as I am always on the lookout!

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