Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Good Samaritan

Hello everyone.  I hope everyone fared well after Hurricane Sandy hit.  I know some families have lost their homes and even loved ones, and my prayers and thoughts go out to them.  Cell phone service is still very shoddy, so the only way I have been getting in touch with people is by sporadic texting or facebook whenever power pops on. 

My sister, brother and I been driving around looking at all of the destruction after the storm.  We went to the beach by Miller Field on New Dorp Lane in Staten Island, NY, and found that the turf football field was gone, the turf was rolled up like a carpet on the side of the road; it was surreal.  We went walking on the beach and saw tons of home debris, from sneakers to children's highchairs to patio furniture.  The shoreline looked more like a ghostly yard sale.

We found a lot of personal belongings that I would like to get back to their owners, (since these people lost everything I am sure they would appreciate anything returned).  If you or anyone you know recognize any of the pictures I am posting or the valuables that I am speaking about, please message me immediately.  I will continue collecting anything I find on the beaches in the hopes that the owner will soon reclaim them.

I am not doing this for money and do not expect a reward.  I saw homes with boats crashed into them and I stood a roof of a house that was completely submerged under seaweed and debris.  I am completely devastated by the damages in Staten Island and my heart aches for the losses of my friends.  My family and I just want to help give something back to those who lost so much.  Please share this link with anyone you know on Staten Island. 

The first picture is a camera case we found washed up on the beach.  There are more articles in the bag, but I do not want to release the bag to anyone I am not 100% sure is the owner.  If you recognize it, please let me know what else is in the bag or what the bag flap says, (the brand).    This is a very expensive camera and has some film still in it, (I hope it did not get ruined it is completely waterlogged). 

I am not sure if this is super important to someone, but this is a New York State Department of Social Services Benefit ID Card.  The name on it is Helen Link, female, DOB 12/23/1904.  If anyone knows Helen I am happy to give her the card back; I did not include the bottom half of the card because there's access numbers on the bottom.

This is a picture of a red head woman sitting by a Christmas tree.

This net picture is of two young girls in what appears to be an airport with sports medals around their neck.  Maybe a traveling soccer team?

This is a graduation picture of a blonde girl walking off stage with her diploma in hand.  The picture shows balloons showing 2 0 0, I just cannot see the last number so Ia not sure what graduation year or school the picture is from. 

This picture was very damaged.  It looks like 3 people stating on some sort of monument.

This last picture looks like a prom or sweet 16 picture of a boy and girl.

I will continue to scavenge on the beaches for any other personal items.  Please help me return these to their owners!!

Thank you and stay safe!!


  1. You're such a beautiful for person for taking care of these items, until the rightful owners come to reclaim them.

    1. Aw thank you! I just want to do something I feel so useless....ughhhh

  2. Are you posting on Craigslist too?

  3. No I haven't yet. That's a great idea! I tried emailing the advance in the hopes that they would publish the pictures but so far no response :(
