Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Volunteers and donors beware!

 I am sure everyone is touched by the outpouring of donations and manual labor that our fellow Staten Islanders have contributed in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.  I have a word of caution however.  Yesterday I spent an hour scrambling for pet supplies to bring to Wagner High School because I received an alert from a pet rescue organization on facebook asking for “SOS” help for the animals temporarily displaced there.  Now, me being the animal fanatic that I am went tearing through my house for dog blankets, collars, leashes, etc.  I was so happy to be contributing to a cause that I believe so strongly in, (the welfare of animals).  When Frank and I got to the high school around 8:30pm, the lead staff there basically said thanks but no thanks, the animals did not need anything and were fine.  Took the wind right out of my sails!  Due to blog feedback, I wish to clarify, that I think there may have been a miscommunication.  I was informed through a social network that Susan Wagner needed "X" supplies as soon as possible for pets.  I went shortly after reading that announcement.  When I arrived at the high school, the volunteers, police officers and someone managing the animals told me that nothing was needed.  There was no mention of this organization scamming anyone on my part, (and I apologize if you feel that I did, clearly not my intention).  I felt misinformed, and no one at Susan Wagner could clarify for me either.  My whole basis for this blog entry is the fact that so many people are trying to help but efforts are becoming very unorganized and convoluted.  I respect any animal rescue organization for trying to help in any way that they can and I would wholeheartedly support them in any way I know how.  Myself and the media are hearing reports such as animals are being euthanized or morgues are being set up in intermediate schools that it is just very difficult to get the real story.  

There are, unfortunately, people who are using the relief and aid being supplied in unethical manners.  I work with a woman who comes from a very generous family.  She is constantly helping others less fortunate.  What she has been doing since the storm is getting text message alerts from a community liaison who forwards the needs of one particular household that was affected by sandy.  So, she has been collecting the items needed and delivering them to the specific house.  This is far more effective than just dropping items off at a huge donation center where the goods do not reach the people fast enough and are not organized. 

In this fashion my coworker has been delivering aid to people that need it the most.  However, there are always some rotten apples in the bunch.  One text gave her the address of someone and the list of items needed.  When she called and spoke to the woman, in addition to clothes the victim said she needed dog/cat and rabbit food.  Hmmm.  So my angelic coworker goes and buys everything, even the rabbit food and brings it to the victim’s house…who had a gardener in her front yard and zero damage to her property and who didn’t live in the flood zones.  My coworker just dropped the bags at her house and left.

Now, my co worker is wiser.  One of the next texts she gets comes from a woman who does live around New Dorp Beach (one of the more devastating areas) and she is requesting baby supplies and baby food.  When my coworker calls and asks what age the infant is and for a bit more background information, the “victim” says, “well the baby will not be here until December!”


My class act coworker simply said I am sorry ma’am but these supplies are needed for children and families that are already here and are in dire need of items NOW.  My co worker said can you believe I was going to contribute to someone's baby shower?!  

I have two things to take away from this.  Do not become disillusioned because there are scammers and cheats out there.  The work you are doing and intentions you have are good.  There are still plenty of authentic people out there that can still use your help.  Two, use caution before committing yourself wholeheartedly to a task.  I was so dismayed after going to the high school and being turned away that it actually made me resent the staff there.  Do not let that happen!  Better your communication skills, ask who, what, when, where, and why.  Make the most of your volunteer efforts by weeding out nonsense like the scenarios above.  Most importantly, believe that the impact you had made a difference in someone’s life.  After all, that is what keeps hope alive.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It is upsetting that some are using people's goodwill to their selfish advantage, but I can assure you that Anarchy Animal Rescue is a solid, selfless group. As Fran said, please do some fact checking before making allegations, especially against a group that does SO MUCH GOOD for animals, and for other rescues!

  3. This may just be a case of an overwhelming response. I experienced a similar issue when I went to donate clothes at my local church. They appreciated the thought but they had an overwhelming response from the community and at that time they didn't need supplies.

    My suggestion would be to call the salvation army who will send a truck to your home and pick up and items you want to do ate to the relief effort. They will make sure your generosity is put to use in the best place.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I will definitely look into that!

  4. OR....are you just ticked because OBAMA won???

    1. That's totally irrelevant to this conversation.

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  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Well that's incredibly extreme....I have a number of counseling services that would be able to help you with all of that negativity.

  10. These responses are completely obnoxious. She obviously wrote from a viewpoint of someone who went out of their way to help this cause you seem to think you support (although I think you are a little too angry to be considered an animal lover - doggys make you happy, not crazy). She even went back and corrected her blog to make it easier for your dumbasses to understand. How freaking hard is it to understand? I can tell, by the amazing grammar and spelling throughout some of these responses I've seen, that you may have a hard time following along. You might have had trouble reading the whole thing, in fact. But, simply put, she said it was a freaking MISCOMMUNICATION. That means that your leader posted that the animal rescue needed supplies ASAP (as soon as possible) and people could drop items off at a location at a certain time, which turned out to not actually be completely accurate, otherwise this junk wouldn't be an issue and you wouldn't be making yourself look like a dumbass on the internet. Stop acting like a psycho, and get your act together. I don't know who could fully support an animal rescue that supports this verbal bashing of someone who was obviously trying to help in the first place!

  11. Geez, how annoying do you sound?? Hate on that, homie.

  12. I hate when people take advantage of the kindhearted. I donate as much as I can, but even someone who works closely with one of the organizations told me I should start investigating the charities I donate to, thoroughly. Just to ensure that most of the money being donated is going to help those it's supposed to. Keep up the great work you've been doing for your community. :)

  13. Hmmm. My initial comment didn't post. Weird. Anyway, it's sad that people try to abuse the good intentions of other people for their own personal gain. I donate as much as I can, and I'm planning to now investigate/learn more about the organizations I donate to. I just want to make sure the people I'm donating to, receive the help/aid they are supposed to. Keep up the great work you're doing in your community. :)

  14. Thanks for your feedback! I had to start moderating my comments because some very nasty things were being said and I just saw yours in my waiting to be published box. Thank you!
